If you require telephone advice please ensure that you phone at 8.30am giving the receptionist brief details so the doctors can prioritise their response.
Why do receptionists ask such personal questions?
Receptionists area vital part of the practice team. Their questions are to ensure that you are seen by the right person at the right time, and all answers are kept confidential.
If you are enquiring about a hospital appointment, report or medication please give details to the receptionist who may be able to get an answer for you.
Increase in circulating Group Strep A & Scarlet Fever
We are aware that Group Steep A and Scarlet Fever infections are circulating at a level that is higher than normal at this time of year.
As a parent contact your GP if:
- Child has a sore throat, red, if there is puss.
- Headache and fever along with a fine, pinkish or red body rash.
Contact your GP if you suspect your child has scarlet fever, early treatment of antibiotic is important to reduce the risk of complications associated with these infections.